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Wednesday 30 December 2015

Dances of Southern Slavs in Hungary

Baranya Ensemble
(Pécs, Hungary)

In 1967 a small group of student started to collect  - like Bartók and Kodály - dances, melodies and old traditional customes of people living in small villages of Southern and Western Transdanubia. This group led by Antal Vidákovics founded the Baranya  Ensemble on the initiative of the Southern Slav Departement of the Janus Pannonius University of Pécs. They achieved a major breakthrough in 1972 when, on a national amateur festival, the group was awarded the first prize and after that event on festivals they won gold prizes year after year. And the invitations came from abroad. They travelled to almost all countries of Europe from Portugal to the Soviet Union, from Greece to Finland, From Italy to Denmark.

They repertory has thematical dances (Antigone, Erina' s Love, Macbeth...) but authetic dances mean still the main profile of the ensemble. This record is a taste of the rhytm and melodies of the famous choreographs of the Baranya Ensemble. It is but a part of overall, unique collection that comprises the music and the atmosphere of the Southern Slav ethnic groups living in Hungary.


Bunyevác Táncok / Bunjevacz Dances
1. Bunyevác Kiskóló / Bunjevacz Little Kolo
2. Rokoko - Momačko Kolo
(Music by: Ensemble Vujicsics)

Mura Menti Horvát Táncok / Croatian Dances By The Mura
3. Leánykarikázók / Girls' Dances - Páros Kólók / Paired Kolos - Páros Kólók / Paired Kolos - Kóló / Kolo

Sokac-Bosnyák Táncképek Baranyából / Sokac-Bosnjak Dances From Baranya

4. Sokac Lakodalmi Táncok / Sokac Wedding Dances - Baranyai Kóló / Kolos From Baranya - Baranyai Kóló / Kolos From Baranya - Tanac-Ranče - Hopa-Cupa
Leánykóló / Girls' Kolo - Játék Éjfélkor / Play At Midnight - Ördögös Kóló / Devil's Kolo - Pačići Busók
Bosnyák Táncrendből -   Bosnjak dances: Kratka Drmavica (Sitne Bole) - Bećarac - Kratka Drmavica - Variáció / Variation - Marice Kóló - Na Dvi Strane Kolo

Magyarországi Szerb Táncok / Serb Dances From Hungary
5. Vranjanka - Srpkinjica - Kalaški Svatovac - Kukunješće
(Music by: Ensemble Vujicsics)

Dráva Menti Horvát Táncok / Croatian Dances By The Drava
6. Drmeš - Tavaszváró És Lakodalmi Leánykarikázók / Girls' Springtime And Wedding Dances
7. Drmeš, Udaranje U Sare (Csizmaverős Kóló / Beating Boots) -
Dráva Menti Nagykóló / Kolo By The Drava
(Music by: Ensemble Vujicsics)

Pécsudvardi Leánytánc És Legényes (Bosnyák Táncok) / Girls' And Boys' Dances From Pécsudvard (Bosnjak Dances)
8. Jabuke - Rumunska - Tandrčak

Kötődések (Dráva Menti Táncrendből) / Bonds (From Dance Repertory By The Drava)
9. Udaranje U Sare (Csizmaverős Kóló / Beating Boots - Kopogó Kóló- Križanje - Drmeš

Baranyai Táncok / Dances From Baranya
10. Tandrčak - Todore - Trojanac (Dugačka Drmavica)
11. Kukunješće - Čarlama
12. Baranyai Kóló / Kolo From Baranya

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